5 steps for a heart-healthy grilling season

By Laura Williamson, American Heart Association News

Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision via Getty Images
(Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision via Getty Images)


For many families, backyard barbecues are a staple of summer dining. 但通常人们会联想到夏天烧烤的食物,包括排骨, sausages, 热狗和汉堡——都是加工过的,饱和脂肪和钠含量很高, which contribute to heart health risks. 研究表明,在高温下烹饪肉类会引起有害的化学反应,增加患心脏病的风险, diabetes and cancer.

The good news is, you don't need to close the lid on grilling. 食品专家说,户外厨师可以采取一些措施,使后院烧烤更健康, while still loaded with flavor.

1. Choose healthier proteins

人们经常选择肥肉,并将它们长沙巴足球体育平台烧烤, said Penny Kris-Etherton, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学营养科学教授Evan Pugh说, Pennsylvania. “我们真正希望人们做的是选择更健康的肉类,比如鸡肉和鱼肉."

But if beef it must be, go lean, she said.

2. Pre-cook or cut up your meat

与癌症和心血管疾病相关的有害化学物质在长脂肪肌肉肉——牛肉中积累, pork, fish or poultry – is cooked or the higher the temperature, starting around 300 or 350 degrees.

把瘦肉切成小块,煮得更快,可以降低这些风险, Kris-Etherton said. "Either pre-cook the meat beforehand so it doesn't grill too long, turn down the temperature, or cut it into smaller pieces. Add some vegetables and make shish kabobs."

去除或避免烧焦的边缘,尽量减少脂肪滴到热源上, which increases harmful chemicals, also can help.

3. Spice it up

在烤肉前加入胡椒和其他香料可以大大减少有害的化学反应, according to unpublished research led by J. 曼哈顿堪萨斯州立大学食品科学教授斯科特·史密斯说. (在同行评议的期刊上发表之前,这些发现被认为是初步的.)

他说,一个四分之一磅的汉堡大约需要一茶匙胡椒或其他香料. While mixing the spices into the burger is fine, it's only necessary to get them onto the surface of the meat. “这已经足够好了,因为所有这些都发生在表面上,”他说. “化学反应来自高温,而高温不会进入肉的内部."

史密斯的研究表明,使用含有薄荷家族成员的草药的卤汁, such as basil, sage, thyme, rosemary, oregano and marjoram, are just as effective as black pepper. 大蒜和辣椒粉等调味料中的抗氧化剂也有助于阻止化合物的形成, he said.


Other research shows 许多具有抗氧化和抗炎作用的香料和草药可能有助于降低患心血管疾病的风险. 克里斯-埃瑟顿说,使用含有香料的卤汁或干擦也减少了对盐调味食物的需求.

"You can make a really delicious rub without sodium," she said. “在把肉和蔬菜放在烤架上之前,用干香草和香料擦在它们身上."

4. Eat your veggies

克里斯-埃瑟顿说,烧烤蔬菜是肉的一个很好的替代品. 除了玉米等受欢迎的选择外,还有许多美味的蔬菜可供选择.

“烤一些红薯——它们绝对美味——或者青椒, onions or zucchini," she suggested.

5. Choose heart-healthy sides

选择全麦面包和配菜,如豆类沙拉是另一种使后院烧烤对心脏健康更好的方法, Kris-Etherton said.

She suggested using low-sodium canned beans for simplicity. "Rinse them off, make a salad out of them with fresh parsley and tomatoes and onions, and jazz them up!"

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